1Where do you think your so-called e-Wastes deserve to be once they are out of use?
To be not only out of your sight but also out of your mind! If you think like so, then you are wrong because No Waste is actually a waste. Everything e-Waste has potential to be reused for better.
2Still not clear… Ok then let us understand this in detail.
Whenever electronic equipments like computers, printers, ups, laptops, domestic appliances etc are discarded by a user, they generally go either of the 2 ways. They either gets disposed off in landfills in the form of garbage, which is totally against environment and unhealthy & harmful for the mankind. Or the discarded equipments go the healthy way; where they are reassessed by technicians and engineers for the left-over potential in them and then they are made to go through the process called 'Environment Friendly Recycling'.
3And this is what we at Nirvana Recycling specialize in.

Through our Environment Friendly Recycling services, we aim to do complete justice to the discarded e-Wastes by reanalyzing their potential and putting them back to use in the capacity best suited to them. Here, we also ensure complete end-to-end processing of E-wastes with zero landfill processes. We at Green World work with the responsibility of diminishing the gap between 'sensible disposal of e-Wastes and 'recycling of e-Wastes'

As a part of our Environment Friendly Recycling process, we abstract maximum potential from the discarded E-wastes and do an end-to-end processing of the assessed waste, first by decomposing the parts and then by processing the dismantled parts optimally with the best tools, techniques, eco-friendly processes within our state-of-the-art recycling units. Thereby guaranteeing safe disposition of hazardous or even precarious electronic parts like hardware, data savers etc by means of their size reduction, separation and extensive refinement.

4Now where do you think your e-Wastes deserve to be?
With us, for Environment Friendly Recycling…! Note: Through our Environment Friendly Services, we also help safeguard individuals and organizations from business, legal, and environmental risks associated with E-Waste disposal.