Unlike the Americas and Europe, Cable Recycling has not yet picked-up pace in India. And, many only around 10% disposals are done to Organized Recyclers.

Again, with the increase in the value and importance of Copper, the easiest way to recover the Copper from Copper Cables is by burning the "Insulated Copper Cables", whereby the PVC or the Insulated material burns off and the recovered Copper is melted back into solid copper.

The demand for recycled Copper is increasing and so is the rise in crude un-organized way of recycling Copper Cables by burning Cables. But, burning copper wires and cables is not a safe way of recovering Copper.

The risks from this process crude process of recovering Copper is enumerated below:-

  • Breathing in Toxic fumes
  • Burns from Hot Copper
  • Burns from melting PVC / Burning Rubber
  • Burning normally results in loss of upto 10 to 20% of the Copper content
  • Burning Copper Wires and Cables is illegal as it is dangerous and can do harm to the Environment, Air, Water and Soil

Our Objective:-

  • Bring professional Scrap Management in the field of Cable Recycling
  • Offer best of the Recycling Services for recycling of both, Copper and Aluminium Cables
  • Offer Copper Cable Recycling Services for both, Armoured and Un-Armoured Cables
  • All Recycling and recovery to be done using Machines

What do we Buy ?

We buy the following types of Cables (both, Copper and Aluminium)

  • Household Cables (both, Copper and Aluminium)
  • Single Core Cables
  • Multi-Core Cables
  • Power Cables
  • Elevator Cables
  • ACSR Aluminium Cable
  • Internet / Communication Cables (CAT 5 / CAT 6 / Telephone / Patch Cords)
  • Laptop Adaptor Cables
  • Cell Phone Adaptor Cables
  • Welding Cable
  • Extension Cord